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Kamis, 16 April 2020

The natural great thing about the Kei islands of Maluku (Eastern Indonesia)

This time will discuss tourist attractions in Eastern Indonesia, the Kei Islands.

For local and foreign tourists, maybe do not know much about tourist objects within the Land of the Rising Sun.

Administratively, Kepulan Kei includes the Southeast Maluku Regency, which is now changing its name to the Kei Islands Regency, Maluku Province.

Kei Island features a lot of lovely tourist attractions.

Because there are numerous groups of small islands that are beautiful in sight .

White sand, clear blue sea water, beautiful coral reefs are added with beautiful colorful small fish. This place is ideal for you lovers of diving and snorkeling.

The following may be a list of tourist attractions within the Kei Islands (Southeast Muluku) that you simply must visit.

1. Bair Island (Baer)

This is an area that ought to not be missed when tourists visit Tual. The Kei people called him the coral island chain north of Kai Kecil Island as Raja Ampat van Kei. Sea water is calm and clear.

The natural landscape isn't as extensive because the original Raja Ampat, or Phi Phi Islands in Thailand there. But the panoramas are often pitted. The boat can enter up to the center of the island. A 20-meter wide sand plain forms a beach that separates the 2 shallow waters.

White sand, rubbish is merely a branch of trees and dead coral carried by the present . If you come on a weekday, you would possibly be the sole guest of the island. Want to swim all day and sunbathe.

For those that have more guts, go upped one among the cliffs on the side of the beach. There are not any stairs, steps, and handles are only sharp stones and tree roots dangling. About Seven meters high. From above, you'll see the bair landscape as an entire .

Behind the rock, there's an overdraft that forms a pond. Sea water with colorful fish, octopus, and crabs are trapped when the ocean recedes. No got to snorkel because its clarity makes the pool like an aquarium.

2. Ngurbloat and Ngursarnadan Beaches

Ngur in Kei, means sand. These two beaches are located next to every other, about 18 kilometers from Langgur, the capital of Southeast Maluku. there's an asphalt road to here. due to its location facing west, these two beaches are suitable for hunting sunsets.

National Geographic once called the sand here the foremost delicate compared to other places within the world. But, I found sand with an identical texture on most beaches within the Kei Islands.

This beach stretches for 3 kilometers, which is why the famous name is Pasir Panjang Beach. the ocean is gentling and shallow. If you swim here you do not got to be scared of being caught in a frenzy by the waves due to the waves have broken 100 meters from the mainland. When it recedes, the shady area changes form into glittering white sand.

Some lodging within the sort of simple villas and bungalows with a rate of no quite Rp, 500, thousand an evening are often found along the beach.

More complete please visit the blog.

3. Ohoi Dertawun

To the north of Ngursarnadan Beach there's a beach that's no less exotic. the form is that the same, the coastline extends with a broad base. it's located in Ohoi (village) Dertawun.
The main attraction of this beach is that the existence of coral cliffs as high as 5-10 meters behind the beach. At the very end of this cliff, many paintings the dimensions of a palm is believed to possess originated from past .

The orange and red-brown paintings form human figures, the sun, trees, boats, crocodiles, fish, to handprints. the form and pattern are almost like the paintings in Gua Tewet, East Kalimantan. In Indonesia, similar artifacts are often found in Wumata on Buru Island, Sawai in Central Maluku, Speelman Bay in Papua, and Kotobu in Southeast Sulawesi.

4. Ngurtavur Beach.

This may be the natural wonder of Nuhu Evav, the most prey of travelers. Ngurtavur within the sort of sand dunes that arise, elongate, and divide the ocean as far as 2.5 kilometers from its main land, Waha Island. The widest point is merely about 10 meters. On either side of the plain lay shallow waters crammed with seaweed.

The white sand in Ngurtavur is as soft and smooth as Ngurbloat. Contrast with the ocean and blue . From a distance, a crowd of pseudo yellow beaks was gathering. Apparently, pelicans (Pelecanus) who were migrating from Australia stopped here. The seagulls huddled near them.

5. Hawang Cave.

Bored with swimming in salt water? Come to Hawang subside Letvuan Village. About 10 minutes drive from Desa Dian Pulau, where we cross to Taroa and Tanimbar Kei.

When the Portuguese explored the eastern a part of the archipelago, that they had stopped by this island. it had been they who gave the name Kei, taken from Portuguese Kayos which suggests hard. Maybe they're pertaining to the contour of the Kei mainland, which is hilly and arid. As a karst region, many caves and niches are hidden throughout the island.

The Hawang Cave is that the most famous for its limestone cave overflows are forming a natural pool with clear blue freshwater sort of a diamond. Swim to your heart's content, but don't go too deep because nobody has ever entered it beyond the mouth of the cave.

The existence of this cave is inseparable from the legend. Residents believe, in past there have been a hunter who along side his dog lost within the forest round the cave. Annoyed at not finding his way home, he stuck with harsh words. As a result, he and his dog were cursed to stone, almost like the story of Malin Kundang. The incarnation stone of Orion and his dog can still be seen within the mouth of Hawang Cave.

Access to the town of Tual Southeast Maluku.

For foreign tourists, it can build air routes through Jakarta.

Then make an immediate flight to Ambon City (Maluku) at Patimura International airport.

It also can use the Transit flight path.


Jakarta-Ambon flights.


- Garuda Indonesia

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport CGK

Flight Three hours 40 minutes


The Ambon Manise Shop Ambon AMQ Pattimura Airport Branch

Garuda Indonesia GA 646

Economy class

Boeing 737


Flight Home.

- Sea lion

8:20 a.m.

The Ambon Manise Shop Ambon AMQ Pattimura Airport Branch

Flight One hour half-hour 

8.50 a.m.

Sultan Hasanuddin UPG International Airport

Lion JT 791

Economy class

Boeing 737

Narrower legroom (74 cm)

Transit time Seven hours Five minutes

Makassar UPG


Sultan Hasanuddin UPG International Airport

Flight Two hours 20 minutes


Soekarno-Hatta International Airport CGK

Lion JT 779

Economy class

Boeing 787

Often delayed for quite half-hour .

After arriving at the patimura airport, tourists can continue their journey to Tual City, by air and sea routes.

Airline can use Wings Air Plane flight service from patimura airport to banda tual city, time period is One hour and a half.

The sea route can use the Pelni ship.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Enjoy the natural great thing about Indonesia.

Minggu, 12 April 2020

Cara mengatasi Pembayaran Anda saat ini ditangguhkan karena Anda belum memverifikasi alamat 2020.

Assalamualaikum wr..wb

Cara mengatasi pembayaran anda saat ini ditangguhkan karena anda belum mengverifikasi alamat.

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