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  1. Keren Wisata terbaru air terjun sufi naga lema kecamatan huamual belakan(waesala) seram barat maluku
  2. 6 Tempat wisata di Pulau Seram Yang Wajib di Kunjungi
  3. Bali's Top Tourist Attractions - New!
  4. Facts Hidden in the North Pole - New!
  5. Gunung Tinggi (Teletabis)yang Belum Banyak di Ketahui Orang di Seram Barat(Maluku)
  6. Indahnya wisata pulau kelang dan pulau babi seram (maluku)
  7. Keindahan Pulau Kassa Seram Bagian Barat
  8. Keren,,,,,,!!! Tempat Wisata Alam Pandang Jauh Yang Belum Pernah diekspos Pulau Seram Maluku
  9. Mengenal Sedikit Tentang Kota Ambon Manise
  10. Tempat Permandian Air Putri Waiyoho Seram Bagian Barat
  11. The natural great thing about the Kei islands of Maluku (Eastern Indonesia)
  12. Wisata Pantai Lubang Buaya Desa Morela Ambon(Maluku) yang Belum Banyak di Ketahui Orang
  13. Wisata air terjun waya gunung dan sahaputi seram(maluku)desa latu
  14. a brief history of Bali Indonesia - New!


  1. Bali's Top Tourist Attractions - New!
  2. Facts Hidden in the North Pole - New!
  4. The natural great thing about the Kei islands of Maluku (Eastern Indonesia)
  5. What Animals Live in Antarctica? Exploring Wildlife in the Coldest Continent on Earth - New!
  6. a brief history of Bali Indonesia - New!


  1. Facts Hidden in the North Pole - New!
  2. Five Interesting Facts About Cockroaches - New!

facts and myths

  1. Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives?
  2. Dogs make the environment safer—myth or fact
  3. Facts Hidden in the North Pole - New!
  4. Five Interesting Facts About Cockroaches - New!
  5. What Animals Live in Antarctica? Exploring Wildlife in the Coldest Continent on Earth - New!
  6. facts about orca whales, killer whales - New!


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