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Jumat, 28 Oktober 2022

facts about orca whales, killer whales

 Although Orca whales (Orcinus orca) almost never attack humans, they are frequently referred to as killer whales.In fact, "whale killer" was the original name of the killer whale.

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) claims that ancient sailor sightings of them hunting in groups to catch large whales are to blame.Facts about orcas According to Live Science, the following are facts about orcas:

1.Orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family 

in terms of body size.Male orcas are larger than females, but their weight and size vary by breed.9.8 meters in length and 10,000 kilograms in weight was the largest orca whale ever recorded.It is heavier and longer than the majority of motor homes.Orca whales are renowned for their black-and-white coloration and long dorsal fin.By blurring their outlines in the water, the black-and-white coloring aids orca whales in camouflage.A gray area located just behind its dorsal fin is referred to as the "saddle" due to its resemblance to a riding saddle.To create a hydrodynamic shape, the orca whale's body is cylindrical and tapered at each end.

The orca is one of the fastest marine mammals because of its shape and its enormous size and strength. It can reach speeds of more than 56 kilometers per hour.Additionally, orca whales have large teeth that can reach 10 centimeters in length.

2.Food for orca 

whales Orca whales are the highest-ranking predators in the food chain.Other than humans, no other animals hunt orcas.Squid, seals, fish, seabirds, and a wide variety of other prey are consumed by these killer whales.Orcas are also capable of catching minke whales, which are larger than themselves.It has even been reported that killer whales kill swimming deer and deer.Orcas hunt their prey using a variety of methods.

Now and again, they head to the ocean side to get seals by bouncing from the water to the land.Orcas will also work together to catch larger groups of prey or schools of fish, among other things.

By making sounds or sound waves that travel through the water, they can use echolocation to identify their prey.The orca can use these waves to echo objects, such as prey, to locate its food.Orcas have never been known to kill humans in the wild.Humans are not part of their natural prey, so this is the reason.

However, orcas may occasionally mistake humans for seals or other animals they eat.At the Lofoten Masters surfing competition in Norway in 2017, a surfer was attacked by an orca whale that was caught on camera.However, before coming into contact, the orca appeared to be retreating from the attack.In a Facebook post, the Norwegian Orca survey said that the orca probably knew the surfer wasn't a seal.

A 12-year-old boy had been "run over" by a killer whale in 2005 near Ketchikan, Alaska.The failed attack on Norway is comparable to this event.

A surfer was bitten by an orca whale in California in the early 1970s, as reported by The Associated Press.The only instance of a wild orca actually biting a human is this one.Although wild killer whales rarely intentionally attack people, they frequently target boats.Since the summer of 2020, there have been numerous reports of orcas colliding with sailing vessels off the coasts of Spain and Portugal, causing damage.

3. Orca Whale Habitat 

Other than humans and possibly the brown rat, the orca whale is the most common mammal.They inhabit every ocean in the world and have adapted to a variety of climates, including icy waters in the Arctic and South Pole and warm waters near the equator.Orca whales are likewise known to have the option to travel significant distances.For instance, a group of orcas traveled more than 1,900 kilometers in one study from Alaska's waters to near central California.

Orca whale species At the moment, all orca whales belong to one species, Orcinus orca.

Five Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

Five Interesting Facts About Cockroaches 

It's no wonder that cockroaches have a bad reputation because they love dirty places, are disease carriers, and can survive nuclear explosions.It has been discovered through additional research into biological cockroaches that cockroaches are extraordinary beings.You can educate your customers about cockroaches by sharing the following five facts.

1. Headless cockroaches are scary to think about, but did you know that cockroaches can live up to a week without their heads if you cut off their heads?This is due to the fact that cockroaches breathe through tiny holes in each part of their bodies and perform basic movements using neural networks rather than the brain.However, because they still require a mouth to drink, headless cockroaches will ultimately perish from thirst.

2. Cockroaches can run at speeds of 1.5 meters per second and are extremely fast.equivalent to a human speed of 320 km/h.Additionally, cockroaches can use their hind legs to hang and swing against furniture's underside, making it easier for them to flee from predators.

3. Cockroaches are cannibals. They eat everything, including food:fruit, glue, and even the remains of their own colony's cockroaches.They do this to stay alive:Cockroaches must rely on one another for survival because their populations can expand at a rate faster than their food sources.Typically, nymphs consume adult cockroach feces and secretions, while female cockroaches consume their own eggs in the absence of a food source.

4. Cockroaches can cause asthma attacks Although we are all aware that cockroaches can transmit diseases like diarrhea, did you know that cockroaches can also cause asthma attacks?Cockroach body dirt and small particles can't be inhaled, but they also contain proteins that can cause asthma in some people.They should advise you to avoid cockroach infestations if you have asthma.

5. Beer and peanut butter were some of the tonics that Purdue University researchers tested on cockroaches.Consequently, beer-dipped bread was the most effective bait, attracting five times as many cockroaches.It is believed that it is the sugar and jumps content in lager that draws in them.

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022

Dogs make the environment safer—myth or fact

 We are aware that dogs are one of the animals that can be kept as pets.Due to their intelligence, owners frequently regard dogs as friends, companions, and even housekeepers.Although dogs appear to be ferocious creatures, they actually adore their owners and will bark at anyone they perceive as attempting to invade their territory.In accordance with this, scientists from The Ohio State College found that a climate where loads of canines stood around was more secure or there were less instances of wrongdoing, including murder and attack.

Launching Study Finds: These findings are in line with those of Ohio State University researchers. They found that an environment with a lot of dogs roaming about was safer and had fewer murder and assault cases.According to researchers, you don't actually need a guard dog to protect the environment.According to their findings, the dogs will keep an eye on their surroundings and deter criminals from visiting the area if more people walk their dogs.In essence, people who walk their dogs patrol their neighborhood.They could tell when something was wrong and when they thought someone from outside was in the area.According to Nicolo Pinchak, the study's lead author, "this could be a deterrent to crime."In fact, trust is involved.

The authors of the study discovered that trusting one's neighbors made people feel safer in general.However, in areas where residents had a high level of trust in the numerous dogs in the area, crime rates decreased even further.

Christopher Browning, co-author of the study and sociology professor, stated, "One of the reasons we decided to do this study is because we thought dogs on the street might catch that (danger) pretty well."From 2014 to 2016, crime data for 595 census block (neighborhood) groups in the Columbus, Ohio area were examined by researchers.In addition, they analyzed survey data from marketing firms to determine the number of households with dogs in 2013.Then, they looked at the data.

The researchers also discovered that dogs played a role in preventing threats and that neighborhoods with higher levels of trust in their neighbors were less likely to threaten crime.

Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives?

 Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives? These are various facts and myths about cats. Cats are one of the animals that are often kept as pets. Do you also have a cat at home?

 If so, surely you know that cats love to jump from one place to another. They are not even afraid of heights. Often cats fall from a height, they are still fine, and no body parts are injured. This has led people to believe that cats have nine lives. However, do cats really have nine lives? Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives?

 Unfortunately the nine lives in this cat are just a myth and cats only have one life, like any other animal. The cat's nine lives are believed to have come from its ability to jump or fall from high places without getting hurt. Cats are also good at avoiding accidents so they don't hurt them. In fact, this cat's various abilities stem from its good body balance when it falls. When falling, the cat knows the position of the fall, which is facing down on the foot that was used to land. 

Cats can also turn around when in the air after falling. The cat will stretch its body to be blown by the wind. This helps reduce the risk of impact when landing on the ground. Cats also rarely break their legs, as they can land from a great height with their legs bent. Cats are also known to have excellent reflexes, which allow them to quickly escape from situations that are considered dangerous. Cat's Relationship with Nine Lives Just like cats, in some civilizations or cultures, the number nine has a specific meaning.

 For example, Ancient Egypt, China, Goddess Atum was considered a goddess representing nine lives, one of which was her own, while the other eight lives were her descendants. Well, because the Goddess Atum who visited Earth in the form of a cat represented nine lives, the Ancient Egyptians then assumed that the cat was an animal that also had nine lives. But the belief in nine lives in cats is not always the same, you know, because in Spain, cats are believed to have seven lives. Whereas in Arabia and Turkey, cats are considered to have six lives.