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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022

Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives?

 Do Cats Really Have 9 Lives? These are various facts and myths about cats. Cats are one of the animals that are often kept as pets. Do you also have a cat at home?

 If so, surely you know that cats love to jump from one place to another. They are not even afraid of heights. Often cats fall from a height, they are still fine, and no body parts are injured. This has led people to believe that cats have nine lives. However, do cats really have nine lives? Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives?

 Unfortunately the nine lives in this cat are just a myth and cats only have one life, like any other animal. The cat's nine lives are believed to have come from its ability to jump or fall from high places without getting hurt. Cats are also good at avoiding accidents so they don't hurt them. In fact, this cat's various abilities stem from its good body balance when it falls. When falling, the cat knows the position of the fall, which is facing down on the foot that was used to land. 

Cats can also turn around when in the air after falling. The cat will stretch its body to be blown by the wind. This helps reduce the risk of impact when landing on the ground. Cats also rarely break their legs, as they can land from a great height with their legs bent. Cats are also known to have excellent reflexes, which allow them to quickly escape from situations that are considered dangerous. Cat's Relationship with Nine Lives Just like cats, in some civilizations or cultures, the number nine has a specific meaning.

 For example, Ancient Egypt, China, Goddess Atum was considered a goddess representing nine lives, one of which was her own, while the other eight lives were her descendants. Well, because the Goddess Atum who visited Earth in the form of a cat represented nine lives, the Ancient Egyptians then assumed that the cat was an animal that also had nine lives. But the belief in nine lives in cats is not always the same, you know, because in Spain, cats are believed to have seven lives. Whereas in Arabia and Turkey, cats are considered to have six lives.

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